Effective Treatment
"Jo Johnson is the real thing. You can feel it in her hands." -John Green
All of Jo's training has led her to practice gentle sessions through clothing to release bone held tension, organize ligamentous structures, resolve visceral imbalances and address the cranial-sacral system. Put Jo's 20 years experience to work for you. Shift the Possibilities.
Jo is currently available in Creede Tuesday thru Thursday
In Del Norte Mondays and Saturdays
At Joyful Journey one Weekend a Month : January 31, February 1,2
February 28, March 1, 2
March 28,29,30
$135/60min $70/30min
Jo is currently available in Creede Tuesday thru Thursday
In Del Norte Mondays and Saturdays
At Joyful Journey one Weekend a Month : January 31, February 1,2
February 28, March 1, 2
March 28,29,30
$135/60min $70/30min
Call or text (719) 480-2845
You might think working with Jo Johnson would be like working with any bodyworker, but Colorado doesn't require massage therapists to continue their education. That's something Jo has consistently pursued on her own. She has acquired the education and experience to gently create profound change in a short period of timelessness allowing her clients to move forward with reclaimed ease.
What Can Jo Help?
Ribcage Injuries, old fractures, low back and neck pain, chronic pain, head injuries, limited mobility, scoliosis, stenosis, bulging discs, nerve pain, prep for surgery, recovery from surgery, accidents, injuries and falls, restoring balance, that thing that happens to your neck when you sleep funny, joint pain, anxiety, kaddie-wampus-ness, confusion and general grumpiness.
What Can Jo Help?
Ribcage Injuries, old fractures, low back and neck pain, chronic pain, head injuries, limited mobility, scoliosis, stenosis, bulging discs, nerve pain, prep for surgery, recovery from surgery, accidents, injuries and falls, restoring balance, that thing that happens to your neck when you sleep funny, joint pain, anxiety, kaddie-wampus-ness, confusion and general grumpiness.
In addition to Jo's initial massage education she has continued to focus the majority of her studies on Zero Balancing. Having completed her certification and teacher's training in ZB she has also taken these additional ZB trainings: Core I (multiple classes), Secrets of the Skull, Open Forum (multiple classes), Empowering your ZB, Alchemy of Touch, Forms and Fulcrums, Spirit of the Organs, Geometry of Healing, Freely Moveable Joints, Making Conscious the Process of Mastery, Touching the Whole Person, Verbal Fulcrums and the Art of ZB.
Other healing art trainings include: Reiki I, Ho'oponopono, Sat Nam Rasayan, Cranial Sacral Therapy
Jo has also pursued yoga teacher training, so she can offer self applied therapies: Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training - KRI Level I - 200hrs, KRI Level II- Lifestyles and Lifecycles 60hrs, Trauma Informed Yoga Nidra Teacher Training 40hrs
If you need a shift. A new possibility. Something different.
(719) 480-2845
Other healing art trainings include: Reiki I, Ho'oponopono, Sat Nam Rasayan, Cranial Sacral Therapy
Jo has also pursued yoga teacher training, so she can offer self applied therapies: Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training - KRI Level I - 200hrs, KRI Level II- Lifestyles and Lifecycles 60hrs, Trauma Informed Yoga Nidra Teacher Training 40hrs
If you need a shift. A new possibility. Something different.
(719) 480-2845